I haven’t written here in a minute but to give the few and far between who read an update, I quit my job last month! Went on vacation with the family to Chicago and now I’m applying to law schools and binging Futurama and Seinfeld in between working on some new and existing clients for my own business, Hermes Heralding. I could probably stand to work a little harder but there’s savings to burn so who cares?
A couple friends and I are headed to Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan in March and April. I will have some site updates to help me out with social media sharing by then as well.
Writing seems like it’s gotten a bit tougher lately. My last job as marketing coordinator had me writing a little bit here and there but never anything too “me”. No narrative flourish, no high-flying ten cent words, no getting completely lost in stream of consciousness tangents. Instead of trying to impress myself and my readers, I was just… marketing to them. No longer. At least not in my personal writing.
So this is where where my worst, silliest, or most unmarketable ideas go to die. This is also a testing ground for things I’m practicing myself, like (right now) ad monetizing and social media. Please enjoy and feel free to chime in with comments, tips, and anything else you’d like to share.